Member Benefits

Members may use the Chamber’s media partners to get member only opportunities with newspaper, radio and television.
Business Services
Free job posting on Chamber website, participate in Chamber surveys, receive discounts at Rogards a office supply company
Decatur Leadership Institute (DLI)
The Decatur Leadership Institute is a community-wide effort, facilitated by the Greater Decatur Chamber of Commerce, to ensure high-quality citizen leadership to meet the present and future challenges that face the Decatur area. The program fills the need experienced by many communities for active involvement of informed and dedicated citizens in leadership roles throughout the community.
Ambassador program
Chamber Ambassadors are a group of limited number business-member volunteers who help create a positive image of the Chamber and the local business community. They make introductions and invite participation wherever they go. While helping at Chamber events and in the recruitment and retention of members, ambassadors reap the rewards of making new contacts, strengthening relationships and accessing a wealth of information and community resources. They are often among the first to meet new business owners and to hear about upcoming business events.
Metro Money program (buy local incentive)
Support local businesses and keep money in Macon County with Metro Money; a gift certificate program administered by the Decatur Regional Chamber of Commerce. These $5 and $20 gift certificates can be redeemed at participating businesses in Decatur/Macon County– all Chamber members! Buying Metro Money is beneficial to our community and local business climate.
Energy co-op participation (savings may cover annual dues & more!)
The Energy Co-op Program is an partnership between the Decatur Regional Chamber of Commerce and CQI Associates. This is a free program for all silver and gold Chamber members. This program and its potential savings is one of the strongest benefits the Chamber offers its members.
Membership Directory
This annual publication is distributed to the business community in January of each year. It is an excellent resource for business leads and contacts and a great sales tool. Member businesses receive two alphabetized and category listings free of charge and additional display advertising space is available for purchase.
Training & Business Education
Train yourself and your employees. Learn how to promote your business, sell more, and broaden your management skills by attending chamber sponsored seminars and events.
Chamber Logo & Membership Decal
Members may request permission on using the Chamber’s logo on letterhead, business cards or other promotional items. Chamber members receive an attractive membership decal for display in their place of business. All chamber members are listed on our website as well as in our membership directory.
Meet potential customers, make vital contacts, and learn from the knowledge of other successful business people. The Chamber provides numerous opportunities for you to network with other business-minded individuals in order to establish the kind of relationships necessary to build your business. Breakfasts, luncheons, evening mixers, and receptions connect you with the people you need to know so your business will grow and prosper.
Your business views are important. Be represented on chamber committees and have a say in what happens in the Decatur area. Bring your knowledge and expertise to the table and benefit from learning new information at the same time.
On behalf of the business community in the Decatur area, the Chamber advocates pro-business governmental policy and legislation at the city, county, state and national levels.
Business Visibility & Promotion Opportunities
Chamber membership offers a variety of opportunities to showcase your business and expand your business’s exposure via listings in the Membership Directory & Buyer’s Guide, event sponsorships, publicity by local media and advertising.
Business Referrals
When individuals or businesses call the Chamber, it is Chamber policy to refer only member businesses.
A United Effort
The strength of a team is much greater than that of an individual. By pooling our ideas, resources and energy we can work together to find solutions to local problems and issues.