Growing Your Business

Team Building: Improve your work group performance and attitudes by clarifying group goals and clarifying group members’ expectations of one another. Choose from a variety of fun, engaging and results-focused programs that help teams act on a clear, shared understanding and articulation of their common goals, roles, rules, and relationships.
Meeting/Retreat Facilitation: Increase the focus, efficiency, and results of your meetings and retreats by using an outside facilitator. You still set the goals, the agenda, the rules, and the tone for your meeting; your outside facilitator will simply bring your vision to fruition. Facilitators move a process along by setting and maintaining ground rules, assigning fieldwork and expectations, ensuring everyone participates, cultivating team-building, and keeping track of output.
Customer Loyalty Boot Camp: Develop your own Customer Loyalty Strategy that provides the focus for growth and sustainability of your organization. It costs 7 to 10 times more to develop a new customer than to increase the frequency of loyal customers. Learn about measuring customer loyalty, its direct correlation with profitability, and how to gain and sustain favorable attention with potential customers.
DIALOG Organizational Assessment: Successful organizations are continually looking to improve to gain competitive advantage. We help you answer three critical questions: how do we know that resources are being properly allocated; how can we better use our limited resources; and how can we know our strategy and structure are aligned DIALOG provides information on how well critical elements are working together to achieve business and strategic goals.
Economic Gardening: Economic Gardening services target growth oriented companies identified and selected by local economic developers or entrepreneur support organizations, and provide a suite of high-end, high-speed business growth resources. The services available in this program includes strategic research from a team of specialists from the National Center for Economic Gardening. In order to participate in this program, companies must meet the eligibility criteria, complete an application, and be approved by the Decatur Chamber and its affiliates for the program. The economic gardening program is managed by the National Center for Economic Gardening and is hosted by the Edward Lowe Foundation.
Special Seminar and Workshops: Are you tired of being asked the same old questions and getting the same old answers? No one knows your business as well as you do, so we don’t do much telling. We ask the right questions. Let us know what you want and need, and we will do our best to help you find the right answers by planning public workshops, a customized solution for you, or by referring you to a better source.