The Decatur Regional Chamber is happy to schedule Ribbon Cuttings for members upon request to celebrate new business openings, anniversaries and business expansions. The Ribbon Cutting will be scheduled a minimum of two weeks from the time the event is requested by the member to allow the Chamber to properly prepare for the event and invite the membership and City Officials. This time also allows to member to submit required information.
For your special event the Chamber will provide the 1931 ceremonial scissors, ribbon and invite community leaders including the Mayor, the Chamber Board of Directors, and Chamber Ambassadors to the ceremony. We will include the invitation to your ribbon cutting in our social media with has more than 4000 followers. We will also send a press release to the local media the day prior to the event. Pictures taken at the event will be placed on the Chamber Facebook page within 24 hours of the ribbon cutting. Please be sure to email me your high-resolution logo as soon as possible for marketing purposes.
If you have questions or would like to schedule a ribbon cutting please contact jennifer.oberheim@decaturchamber.com
***Please note, Ribbon Cutting ceremonies are typically scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays around 11:30. We will do our best to accommodate your specific dates