Business After Hours are networking events held at a chamber member’s place of business, they are designed to provide a relaxed, strengthen networking opportunities while celebrating your business
- Average audience of 50-75 business professionals at your business
- A set of business cards from all persons attending
- Pre-promotion on Chamber website, Save-the-Dates and social media
- Pre-promotion at Chamber events when applicable
- E-blast sent out to all Chamber members
Here are several suggested ways to increase attendance…
- Offer a unique experience to learn about your business (guided tour or explanation of products)
- Offer a fantastic door prize. Consider giving a promotional item such as a product or service as a door prize, which will encourage future business.
- We suggest you review our Chamber member businesses to see who might be your best new prospects. Send them a special invitation to your Business After Hours. You can search our member businesses by category or name using our online directory at www.decaturchamber.com or you may use our printed membership directory. Also, do not forget your loyal clients and employees, they are your best promotion!
Admission is FREE
***Please note, Business After Hours are typically scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5-7pm. We will do our best to accommodate your specific dates