Decatur Leadership Institute
The Decatur Leadership Institute is a community-wide effort, facilitated by the Greater Decatur Chamber of Commerce, to ensure high-quality citizen leadership to meet the present and future challenges that face the Decatur area. The program fills the need experienced by many communities for active involvement of informed and dedicated citizens in leadership roles throughout the community.
About DLI
Decatur Leadership Institute (DLI) has been developing citizen leaders since 1985. The list of past graduates is full of community leaders who now serve on various boards, commissions and committees throughout the Decatur and Macon County area. The future of Macon County is linked to the quality of its leadership. Be part of that future, and become an active, motivated leader through the Decatur Leadership Institute!
• Get involved in effecting positive change within the community
• Build strong relationships to lead and serve the Decatur/Macon County community
• Experience a behind-the-scenes look at community government, business and municipalities
Program participants attend 14 once-a-week sessions on Thursday mornings from 6:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. where they experience on-site learning and gain an inside view of the industries and issues that shape our region. The program also entails group-based service learning projects and concludes with a graduation ceremony in December.
$650 fee per person includes: program folders; breakfast snacks and beverages at each session; lunch and transportation to and from Springfield (Legislative Session); 2 admissions to Chamber Business Breakfast – DLI project presentations for you and a guest; 2 admissions to DLI graduation dinner for you and a guest